Domain Registration

Aress Communet has forged partnerships with some of the cyber giants in domain name registration like OPEN SRS of Tucows,.com , Network solutions Inc.,,, DotRegistrar, etc. through We also provide Indian domain names ( etc) at nominal prices. But each of these domain registrars totally vary from each other in the type of service that they provide through us. While Open comes with an exclusive control panel for each domain. Network Solution is highly recommendable for bulk domain bookings and caters to those who are venturing for the first time in the Internet. on the other hand registers multilingual domains to give customers a chance to express themselves and conduct their cyber processing through the language of their choice . Dotregistrar ranks among the registrar’s for its elegance in this field & the user friendly, simple & sober client domain manager tool.

The question that you will obviously ask is that why should you register with us, when there are a multitude of dot coms eager to provide the same service to you. Well , the reasons are as follows :

  • We meet an urgent need with a complete solution that is backward & forward compatible. While many text-based protocols are already internationalized , domain names are still lagging .
  • We conform to the current domain name system of master-slave-catching server, zone transfer etc.
  • We improve the existing DNS system, making only better changes while providing excellent support at the network and applications layer .
  • We maintain a single, global, universal and consistent hierarchical namespace.

    Unlike a search engine or directory services solutions, we will provide the same IP Address every time that the domain name is called . This totally complements the current Internet domain naming conventions and assures Website owners of complete reliability and certainty.
  • We are transition friendly in case of multilingual domains where both systems co-exist.
  • We facilitate localization such as bi-directionality whilst preserving the separator.
  • We support canonicallization throughout the system , both on the network and application layers.
  • We constantly evaluate Internet protocols like HTTP, SMTP to determine any impact on these protocols.
  • We do not significantly add additional security burdens.

Do not hesitate to email us for any further query at